'"I like peanuts as much as the next guy, but I believe the security of our troops should come before the security of our peanut crop," Bush said in his weekly radio address, referring to a provision in the war funding legislation that earmarks $74 million for secure peanut storage."
...ahahahaha. Only in America.
From the article about the war bill. Found
here, if you're interested.
This entire situation with the 15 Britons has become ridiculous. I've read both sides of the story, and seriously, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to fix the problem. Both the british and iranian explanation of the story clearly states that the navy personell were in iraqi waters. There is no arguement there. Whether they were in 1.5 km or 0.7NM doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is that they were somewhere they weren't supposed to be. According to the iranians, this wasn't even the first time. Apparently they had gone into their waters more than once in more than one spot, and this time they finally got them. However, this is just what the iranians say, there's no way to know if it's true cause obviously the navy isn't going to admit to their wrong doing (much like they're already doing).
Apparently, George Bush believes simply telling the iranians that they must release the captives is going to work. Real smart there Dubya, I can clearly see why you were elected twice. While you're at it, why not simply tell the iraqi government that they should give up the war, you might have taken the wrong approach for the last what, seven years?
An exchange was proposed, trading the 15 britons for the 5 iranians captured by American Forces. Of course, this was rejected, it would simply be too easy. The reasoning behind the rejection was that the five captured were "believed to be members of Iran's Revolutionary Group". The word that stood out the most to me when I read that was "believed". No, of course they don't know it or not, but they believe it so they're allowed to withhold them because of something they think. Much like $74 million dollars for peanuts, this can only be done in America.
And now, because of this, a very, very small amount of the islamic population rioted at the UK embassy. This included chanting "death to britan", and throwing rocks. Great idea, morons, way to make yourself look like idiots.
I'm always amazed by how wonderfully America handles situations.