Aug 21, 2006 00:57
August 21st, 2006
Today James and I played pool and got surprisingly better at shooting. We went to Big 5 and bought some pool cue repair things because the cues here suck. The city of Davis is pretty neat. Small, but endearing in a way no other college town I've seen is. Been thinking a lot about Morgan. I'm getting to know her better after the relationship. We've been talking on the phone a lot lately. Much more than we ever did while dating. We talked while dating, but now we seem to have conversation. The conversation flows quite easily, but it seems a bit weird. I guess it's just the fact that I didn't talk to her this easily while dating her. She still seems a bit unable to say what she wants. I start school this morning. I should go to sleep... Nah, I wouldn't be able to anyway. I'll write in you later.