(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 22:52

tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that advertising bothers me too
Barrie says:
un peu delayed reaction
Barrie says:
i am shopping online
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'm mega busy
Barrie says:
at jcrew and AF
Barrie says:
to be delivered to ur dorm
Barrie says:
to be taken by beau and nance
Barrie says:
home to moi
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'm so frustrated right now that i'd say ugh
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i haven't even been to the dorm
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
or seen it
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
or talked to my roomate
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'm NOT going to be getting packages
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
it will be nice
Barrie says:
u can get excited!
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
nah i'm just tired of my roomate ignoring my emails and being an asshole
Barrie says:
until u find out its for big sis
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
leaving me with no idea what to bring
Barrie says:
uh oh
Barrie says:
he is ignoring
Barrie says:
how do u know he isnt checking his email
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i have no idea
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i know i've sent a few and he hasn't responded
Barrie says:
im sure there is a reason
Barrie says:
for fucks sake
Barrie says:
his fave music is showtunes
Barrie says:
he must be a nice guy
Barrie says:
not a malicious fuck
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
maybe he only likes the fight songs in west side story
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and the showtunes about annie being a little poor orphan
Barrie says:
then he would be hardcore
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
or when they headmaster beats on oliver
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
now im scared....
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'm shook
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
those songs are much more hardcore than my eazy-e
Barrie says:
they are about knifing people
Barrie says:
and child abuse
Barrie says:
and evil orphanages
Barrie says:
eazy e is so nice, its like, about sex
Barrie says:
and wet pussy
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i know
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and the occaisional dead cop, but you know, its self defense
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i have no classes friday-sunday
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:

Barrie says:
Barrie says:
none on fri?
Barrie says:
what are ur classes?
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
arts in NYC
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
which is mondays from 6-8 PM... we go out in NYC and do artsy shit like go to movies/galleries/shows, etc
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
then i have "who sold the soul? hiphop"
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
which is monday and wednesday from 10-11:40
Barrie says:
i am crying
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
wow i actually havent cried in so long
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
then i have first year writing on tuesday and thursday from 8-9:40 am
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
shutup you big baby
Barrie says:
and im not really crying right now
Barrie says:

tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
then i have the first year workshop thursday from 2-3:15
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
milo im so sad
Barrie says:
i wanna go to new school
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and fundimentals in motivation and emotion (which i'm changing out of because... i'd rather take photography or "Story of the devil" or some other ill shit like that)
Barrie says:
dad is so mad at me
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
yes i said hehe
Barrie says:
no he got pissed
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that was an evil hehe
Barrie says:
you're gayer than your future rommate
Barrie says:
you listen to showtunes
Barrie says:
not even the hardcore ones
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
evil hehe like rubbing your palms together squinting and saying GOOOOOOOOODDDDD
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
fuck showtunes and everything they stand for
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
dad is mad?
Barrie says:
its not funny
Barrie says:
i dot wanna go to st a
Barrie says:
and i told dad
Barrie says:
he got ANGRY
Barrie says:
and calledme a liar
Barrie says:
im so sorry a year ago i was totally disillusioned
Barrie says:
now i know what i want
Barrie says:
and im doing the opposite
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i know
Barrie says:
but its fucked up
Barrie says:
mombelieves me
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
work on a transfer
Barrie says:
dad doesnt even believe me
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
you can join the newschool mid year
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i never thought i'd say this to you but
Barrie says:
he made me promise id wait a whole year
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
sister-bitch, come to the newschool
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
a whole year?!
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that's lunacy!
Barrie says:
now im really crying
Barrie says:
(i never tghought id say that to you either)
Barrie says:
i know
Barrie says:
being a transger student for soph year is my nightmare
Barrie says:
it represnets all that is unholy about college
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
do you really want to study biology in a castle?
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
i only took it bc u can take 3 classes
Barrie says:
like 1) spanish 2) bio 3) social anthropology
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tell dad to look at your life and recognize that you studying bio and language in a scottish castle is not what you're about
Barrie says:
and then its broken down into like, 2 lit classes a week fos spansh, 1 speaking, 1 writing
Barrie says:
so its like 4 subclasses
Barrie says:
i am really not
Barrie says:
its so stupid
Barrie says:
and i dont wanna go to st a at all
Barrie says:
it is gonna be so pretentious
Barrie says:
and dad refuses to recognize it
Barrie says:
ha what if i didnt get in
Barrie says:
that would be fucked up
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
didn't get in to st as?
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
did you have your email yet
Barrie says:
no to new school
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
they are so fucking GHETTO
Barrie says:
i dont know ANYTHING
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
brb i am fighting for you to mom
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
what is she saying
Barrie says:
i dont think listening to dido is helping my self pity session here
Barrie says:
ok, secondary protocol, better mood
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
"you don't change horses right now... just go with it... she may hate it, love it, ou just don't know.. she's a worryer"
Barrie says:
i am shaft
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
1: barrie who said fuckin kill me i'd shoot myself to save turtles 6 months ago
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
2: a month 1/2 ago she said she'd like to
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
barb says thats why she didn't go to LA
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
"thats not what you told me in june"
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
i said i wanted to help kids with cancer
Barrie says:
not fucking turtles
Barrie says:
big diff
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
it was the idea that you'd even considering that shit
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i dunno
Barrie says:
thats retarded
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
they are saying you don't know about it
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
barb is saying you're just anxious and stressed, nothing is forever
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
i am not anxious or stressed
Barrie says:
i dont give a shit
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
"there must be some hot swedish/scottish guys there... if there are... call me" - barb
Barrie says:
what i am is apathetic and unhappy
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
my friend greta from stockholm already notified me of her friends big brothers who go
Barrie says:
so barb can booka flight
Barrie says:
im sure i will have a fine time at st andrews
Barrie says:
for what it is
Barrie says:
ie, studying bio and spanish
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
doing nothing
Barrie says:
but its not gonna help me progress as a human being
Barrie says:
or help me discover new shit
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
mom was like barrie tried to show me the pic of gonzalo wtih the pouch on his dick
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
barb was like
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i want to see
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
without the pouch
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
anyway yo
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i told them that when you chose st. a's
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
you were a psychobitch and a completely different person
Barrie says:
i was disillusioned in every sense of the word
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and that you had that psychobitch time at ISA cause it was so closed in
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and that st. as will be mad closed in
Barrie says:
yeah! its he SAME
Barrie says:
mom agreedwith me
Barrie says:
i wanted to break free of ISA with courses
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
span, bio, and social anthro
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and a small enviorment, judging from what makess you happy -- london, malaga, montpelly (last two kinda small but not exclusive college towns) were what makes you happy
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
ok if you were allowed to do what you want to do
Barrie says:
and paris
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what do you want to do
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
mom says "i acknolwedge it may not be the right fit anymore" after my CRAZY ILL MINDBLOWING BRAINTHING TACTICS
Barrie says:
you're the best
Barrie says:
at brainthings
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok to ktoktok
Barrie says:
ok enough
Barrie says:
i would go someplace in NYC
Barrie says:
not POSITIVE new school
Barrie says:
but deff NYC
Barrie says:
and its weird cuz i feel like the 10th grade me would go to NYC
Barrie says:
its th ISA me that got so fucked up
Barrie says:
so i dont even feel like this is even some kind ofnew me
Barrie says:
but rather me alltogether
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
when would you go??
Barrie says:
likei was running off course for 2 years
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
given the opportunity mom says
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what would you do
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i hate to say, that's impossible
Barrie says:
the idea of transferring gives me hives
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
you can't apply somewhere two weeks before school
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
unless you want to go to community college with navid
Barrie says:
but u said given the oportunity
Barrie says:
nee dank je wel
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
ok, but seriously
Barrie says:
fine, i would/will go to st. andrews
Barrie says:
be positive
Barrie says:
dont look for trouble
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
ok ok ok ok listen
Barrie says:
get involved in sports, do my hw
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
if dad said "do what you want"
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what would you do?
Barrie says:
try to be nonbitchy to my peers
Barrie says:
and then depending on the outcome
Barrie says:
like if i LOVE st a
Barrie says:
i would stay
Barrie says:
but if i like it
Barrie says:
if its OK
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
listen, mom and i want to know
Barrie says:
which i think it will be
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
with the opportunity to do what you want
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what would you do... in detail
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
ok ok ok
Barrie says:
thats what i am saying
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
anyway so yeah if i adored it and realized i had been against it for nothing i would stay by al means
Barrie says:
and be like wow this is great!
Barrie says:
but if its OK
Barrie says:
which i have a feelig it will be, at the least
Barrie says:
because its a great place and has a lot to offer for what it is
Barrie says:
in the sense of it being a unique experience university-wise
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
yeah i know
Barrie says:
but if its OK, but i feel like i could easily fall into the monotony of it being pretty dead
Barrie says:
i would transfer asap because i dont like the idea of transferring especially as a sophmore student
Barrie says:
so id enter new scohol mid year
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
like i am sure it will be fun
Barrie says:
but as mom agreed, it just may not be the best fit
Barrie says:
and if i have the opportunity financially to go to any academic institution i want
Barrie says:
i want the best fit
Barrie says:
or as close to it as possible
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
mom wants to know in detail when can you transfer, to what, what are the odds, whats the first thing you need to do with a transfer
Barrie says:
im not gonna waste my education at a school i find mediocre formy own personal needs
Barrie says:
nov 15 is the deadline for a spring transfer
Barrie says:
u need to do ur hw so u can get into ur transfer school
Barrie says:
and apply like normal
Barrie says:
i would ned to see this bitch first
Barrie says:
(the school not mom)
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
well i'll try to make st. a's as miserable as possible so you transfer
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
because i would love if you were in nyc
Barrie says:
how are u gonna sabotage me
Barrie says:
from nyc
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'm going to give you weekly reports of how dope life is
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
for example:
Barrie says:
no but i would have to visit!!
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i was there for 2 days
Barrie says:
the only gripe i have about new school is no sports
Barrie says:
that SUCKS
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and made all sorts of contacts from photographers to filmakers/distributers to djs, etc
Barrie says:
but i want mom and dad to know i am not going into st a with a bad attitude
Barrie says:
bc even tho i dontwanna go
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
there is a giant sports complex like 4 blocks away
Barrie says:
i cant do shit to change it now
Barrie says:
so no point in beingnegative about it
Barrie says:
ok thats also bc our aunt and uncle rule the IFC
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
there you go -- immediate cool contacts in NYC
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
janet was begging to give me like every nnumber ever
Barrie says:
for what
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
for me to make friends/contacts
Barrie says:
oooh nicey nice
Barrie says:
see this is why being a transfer student sounds soo bad to me
Barrie says:
cuz u dont get the whole experiece
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
but you know me and matt and theo would hold you down
Barrie says:
yeah its true...
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
if she comes back
Barrie says:
and alexis i wish we couldget in touch again
Barrie says:
did u know she is a lesbian now
Barrie says:
everyone is coming out like whoa
Barrie says:
tell mom something:::::::::
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
if she goes into urban outfitters, which will be thee in NY
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
last time i was there sasha and her friends were all like OMG LETS GO GET GAUCHOS
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
thank you
Barrie says:
they are amazing
Barrie says:
its like gods gift to fashion for girls who are sick of tight pants
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
lamest shirt ever
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
are those the ones you got in london?
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
in purple and white
Barrie says:
they have them with sash belts attachednow
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
in black (which was sold out in london) and red and green
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
thats the wackest fucking shirt ever made
Barrie says:
i know
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i pass on her
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and her shirt
Barrie says:
its even worse than summersshirt that says "please dont eat me! i love you!" with a pig on it
Barrie says:
promoting the worlds evillest cult besides scientology
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
they should change the pig to a vagina
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and i'd buy it
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
AF makes tees that say
Barrie says:
"run katie run!"
Barrie says:
dont tell me that isnt hilarious
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
u never wear it
Barrie says:
but im glad that it exists
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
haha thats funny
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i dont get it
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
run katie run
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
the other tee shirt says "what is scientology?"
Barrie says:
now do u get it?
Barrie says:
tell mom im upset i didnt get to talk to her on the phone i wanted to
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
thats hilarious
Barrie sends:

tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
i want to cut my hair like this

Transfer of "p176795d[1].jpg" is complete.

Barrie says:
AF gets so many points for those shirts
Barrie says:
another shirt i want is "HILTON/LOHAN 2008"
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
she is busy
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
thats cute
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that girl is hot
Barrie says:
im trying not to let that effect my decision
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
i know she is busy NOW
Barrie says:
but before
Barrie says:
just pass it on
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
she went aww
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i wish i could talk
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
but im busy
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
also tell her im sorry for complainig about a
Barrie says:
st a
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
im going now
Barrie says:
i feel badfor bitching so much
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
you're nyc bound
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
ny til i die
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
it's so fly
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
why would you check st a's, were you high?
Barrie says:
just to get by
Barrie says:
just to get by
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:

tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
no way
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
the one that annie wanted her floor to shine like
Barrie says:
oh shit
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i have to brush up on my showtune references to be down with casey
Barrie says:
yuo are a closet showtune lovaaa
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
haha no way
Barrie says:
dad and i keep calling him casper
Barrie says:
i dont know why
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that doesn't make any sense
Barrie says:
i dont konw why
Barrie says:
i keep laughing
Barrie says:
then i see myself laughing
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
casper the friendly showtune loving roomate
Barrie says:
and laugh more
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i may have to phsycailly put him through a wall
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
see if he's a ghost or not
Barrie says:
ok bad joke
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
good effort
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
too predictable
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what should i do next time
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
oh... less predictable
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i'll fix taht joke up
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and send it back sometime
Barrie says:
its like the samejoke
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
do you have ANY st a info?
Barrie says:
with different ingerdients
Barrie says:
like what?
Barrie says:
i am gonna be in mcintosh
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
like your rooming, email
Barrie says:
i asked for st. salvators
Barrie says:
i got an email from this girl from hopkins saying she is in it
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
those bitches didn't give you what you wanted??
Barrie says:
this girl i never spoke to cuz she is from the class below
Barrie says:
and they put me in mc
Barrie says:
which is IRONICALLY the ONLY ONE dad and i went in
Barrie says:
and we were both like, keep our fingers crossed ur not in mcintosh!
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
wow, spooky
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
so i was not happy
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
what's wrong with massive?
Barrie says:
but i read about it online and the food is supposed to be good and he double rooms big so whatever
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
you're in the mcintosh massive, big up
Barrie says:
i just wanted salvators
Barrie says:
i think if i make ali g jokes
Barrie says:
in scotland
Barrie says:
people will stone me
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
or get stoned with you
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
that's close to london
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
they'll be down
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i make ali g jokes here and they go over like my joke last night
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
while i was throwing rocks at doug (seriously it was dope)
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and everyone just turned and looked at me
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and was like.... huh?
Barrie says:
why did u say that
Barrie says:
cuz ur trying to drive out the israelies?
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
because palestinians throw rocks
Barrie says:
(no e)
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
i get it
Barrie says:
but its not funny
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
yeah it is
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
come on
Barrie says:
its like u going to new school
Barrie says:
and singing no sex in the champagne room
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
i was pretending that doug was an evil oppresive isralie brigade
Barrie says:
and thinking its the newest funniest shit youve ever heard
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
trying to hold down my rightful land
Barrie says:
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
so i did what i had to do
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and only could do
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
as a palestinian
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
and threw a rock
Barrie says:
have u seen the news
tok tok tok tok tok i am milo says:
yeah palestine "won"
Barrie says:
Barrie says:
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