Dec 25, 2009 17:44
okay, I don't really feel like posting anything around much... so I'll just update here.
all in all, I'm pretty sad at what christmas has become for me.
yesterday it was like around midnight and we'd already opened the presents etc (in Finland people usually open presents on the 24th instead of the 25th) and I was carrying my pile up the stairs and I just thought "oh, this was it."
as a kid, naturally, but last year too! and now I'm like "blah =A="
ok, might have something to do with me being sick and everything, but still.
my laptop's dead, so I'm on the desk top atm.
my dad just popped in to say that my Q-chan's prolly a lost case... sniff >:
I'll probably get a new one instead, cos the thing's only like 5 months old so yeah.
my sister's going all diva on me, complaining about COUGHING TOWARDS THE COMPU and what the hell. XD why the fuck should I care if she gets sick? o.o ok I do cos I'd prolly have to look at her face a lot more if she was sick. I mean sure she'd go out with her friends but she'd probably ditch her 2 jobs for that time. *sigh* it's not like she owns this thing o__o I should be allowed to use it too. I probably SHOULD use this sometimes, too, just to remind her that it isn't HERS. she's working, ffs, why doesn't she buy her own computer - or her own place for that matter and move her bitchy ass the hell outta here? o.o"
I got the usual blah for christmas, candy, pyjamas and the like.
my despairsray-mega-package won't be arriving until after New Years' cos the release date got postponed >:
but dad bought me a, err, tablet. you know, the kind that you can use on the computer for drawing like with pen and paper? it's pretty cool. but then again, I can't really use it yet 'cause my laptop's down, so yeah. =_____=
anyways, I'm off now, the ho is back to breathing down my neck for access to this computer.