(no subject)

May 19, 2005 09:45

YES!!! I am through with middle school. But I am definately gonna miss it. I gotta keep myself entertained this summer so if you wanna make plans, give me a ring.
Anywayz........Today was really fun. I got a lot a good pictures and a video of Allison and Caroline break danceing. I got all a's on my report card and a 4 on my writing exam(which I am not too happy bout). Mr. Neblett gave us balloons in advisery and when I was blowing mine up, Zack popped it and it hurt cuz it came back and hit me in the face. But I got another balloon so I'm good. Then on the bus ride home, the bus driver missed my stop so I had to walk from the next rode to my house.

Yesturday, me, Allison, and Amy went to Caroline's house after school and spent the night. We played Gotcha, baseball, and kickball with a humungous boucy ball. Oh yeah...We tied this wagon thingy to a bike and pulled each other around in it. And I drove Allison down this big hill. And when we were going down the hill, the wagon started going faster than the bike, so I stopped so that the wagon would slow down, but it just flipped over and Allison went flying out and got really skinned up. And I looked like she broke her toe. I felt bad but I gotta admit, it was really funny too. Later we chilled her hot tub and talked and then we went to bed.
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