Down and Dirty Day....

Aug 25, 2004 21:37

Yeah, so it’s been a while. But you can’t blame me; I’ve been busy! So, I’m sitting here listening to Stevie, yes, Stevie Wonder. We just finished cleaning the house this week so that puts about seven $’s to my NY account. Speaking of that it’s less than three months away! *gasp* Chels, we’ve got to get our room list together! So the past week has been okay, the game was awesome and Chels spent a good part of the weekend with me and we just chilled. Then I went to church Sunday and did homework and something else but I can’t remember that far back. It feels like Thursday because we’ve got a game tomorrow and I was all freaking out because I thought that we had a vocab test but, then I looked and realized that I hadn’t even done it yet so there’s no way that it could be Thursday. Tomorrow is “Down and Dirty Day” in honor of South. And they’re having a “Dummy DB Day”. I just think that it’s funny that they have to dress-up to be us and we have to dress-down to be them. HAHAHA! I got complimented for my tan today a couple times and it felt great. I was all, “Thanks!” *blush*. Last evening after guard I came home to find that I got the house to myself for a few hours so I made myself some Mac-n-cheese and then headed upstairs to see if I could catch any of the Olympics. The only thing on was boxing…ugh! I watched part of it anyway while I responded to some over-seas emails and worked on a little homework. Then I took my shower and talked a little and went to bed. Then today, since I took my shower last night, I got to sleep in and it was great. We didn’t have any cereal left so Michael made muffins. They were done like ten minutes before the bus came, he’s so stupid sometimes. But yeah, then in math today we switched classrooms and that was odd but I got a ninety-eight on my math quiz that I thought I did really bad on. I was so excited, although it doesn’t bring my average up much. We had a sub in English and we had to turn out essays in today. I’m going to do horrible I know it. I mean I have like almost twice the word limit but my conclusion isn’t long enough, but I had to cut something off. I just don’t know, it’s my first essay of the year I’m suppose to be nervous right? So I failed my French test, but I think we all knew that I would. I just want to know which ones I did get right so I’m waiting for her to finish grading them…And then there’s guard, we have a show tomorrow and I think it will be alright but it’s going to be so hard with the crap loads of homework that I get from these teachers. So, this weekend everyone else is going to Gatlinburg and I refused to go, so I’m staying with Chels. It’s going to rock my socks!
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