Nov 12, 2004 16:11
Its been a good couple of days. Mr. Gmelich still hasnt talked to me about my halloween costume issue, he keeps telling me that hes going to catch up with me later, im scared. Its been a really easy week, watched a lot of movies, took some tests, and wrote my synthesis paper (not as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be). The football game tonight should prove to be an enthralling experience of joy and sports, i am planning to find my x-mas dance date at this game. If i dont find her at the game i will find her at Friday night lights. If you dont already know this i am planning to take a FRESHMAN GIRL, dont know which one. Oh yeah at friday night lights i plan to kick ass at everything. OH yeah i got a hair cut, i did it myself. I now look like an angry mexican rapist.
This post goes out to my wife marissa who is on a retreat of some sort.
bailacondios (1:35:16 PM): freshman mix! woo
FlyngcoW68 (1:35:37 PM): yaaaay
FlyngcoW68 (1:35:41 PM): my friends like to walk in rooms
FlyngcoW68 (1:35:47 PM): cuz i have only guy friends
FlyngcoW68 (1:35:55 PM): and say "DUDE, where's all the hot freshman?"
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:01 PM): everywhere we go. everywhere.
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:10 PM): freshmen, rather
bailacondios (1:36:13 PM): everywhere?
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:23 PM): like we'll be volunteering
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:28 PM): theres senior citizens EVERYWHERE
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:34 PM): dude, where's all the hot freshmen?
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:45 PM): working at my 7 yr old triplet babysitting kids birthday party
FlyngcoW68 (1:36:49 PM): dude, where's all the hot freshmen?