adult living

Sep 28, 2011 19:38

ive come a long way from my last post on here and a lot of things have changed in my life and a lot of others as well. were all grown up living adult lives and doing adult things. looking back over all the old posts and the comments that were left to not only my posts, but the posts of my friends, brings back so many memories and feelings of only the best of times. back then we lived without a care and college was just a distant thought and the only thing that mattered was the next party at wills house. most of us have graduated by now gotten married or are engaged (love you tony) and have had beautiful children. were not the same and its ok. its life and people and things change, its to be expected. yes its difficult to "grow" away from the ones you cherished and said would always be there for and you would be in each others weddings or the god parents of your children... but what can we do? no one is at blame cause we all change and we all are capable of picking up that phone and calling that certain someone... its just hard to look back on what once was.

the reason i decided to sign into this thing is because our network of friends was struck with tragedy. we lost on of our own - an individual who had a heart of gold and was one of those people that no matter how close you were to her, she always made your day and you were happy to run into her. no one could ever say a bad thing about her and that says a lot in the nature of an individual. Nadyne you are a shinning star and you always will be. you touched so many lives with your smile and bubbly personality. my only regret is that we didnt have more time to get to know each other better but i am more than thankful for every minute we were able to share together. you were taken too soon but (im not a godly person) hopefully it was for a greater purpose. i love you rest in peace beautiful.
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