Fate's Antics

Feb 25, 2008 01:03

I've actually written two very long posts that would have delighted my bored readers. Unfortunately, the internet ate them. I don't have full, real access to the internet at home. I just piggyback an open connection elsewhere in the complex. Sometimes it's beautifully direct, and sometimes it's nearly nonexistent. Anyway, it makes for a scattered surf.

Life is weird. That's generally. MY life, as of this weekend is freakish. Fate has actually shoved itself bodily in my path to slap me back...wherever I'm supposed to be. I've had bizarre coincidences showing up for the last week or so, the sort that make me feel as if I'm dreaming a random selection of things I've thought about during the day shoved into an ordinary situation. My degree program at Full Sail changed the same day I started, and I didn't know it until I was sitting in orientation. (More about that later, perhaps.) At a point where we had exhausted all our financial resources, about ready to tap sources we never want to have to rely on, a check from Jeremy's financial aid showed up that he should have gotten back in December. Yesterday, I received an email from someone who meant a great deal to me nearly ten years ago and from whom I never expected to hear anything ever again. For a while, every time I signed online it was to discover another article or blog post or reply to one of the above that seemed directly pointed at me, what I write, or the lifestyle I was intent on building. It's crazy!

So, here's the current run-down. Jeremy graduates April 11th. I have to talk to Financial Aid tomorrow to see when I get my check, and then I'm going to talk to an advisor to switch me over to Web Design. Because despite waking up this morning with a sadness that doing so would steal me out of corporate branding, logo design, and things I'd really love to learn, it'll give me more of what I want to turn into a career and less of what terrifies me. IF they can change me over in a week, I'll start Beginning Computer Graphics next month, followed by Advanced Computer Graphics. Without the scary 'real art' painting/drawing class, and without being stuck with the class of expert artists I'm with now. Jeremy's going to talk to career development later this week to see about jobs with Universal, Disney, or commercials for after he graduates. And then when I'm done, we're moving to Albuquerque. Again. Probably.

It seems like there was more I was going to say...but I no longer remember what it was. Yawn.

fate, school, career

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