What was that whizzing by my head?

Nov 18, 2007 00:19

Oh. Time. Right.

I keep meaning to do things...and then forgetting, and they just get away from me. Like posting. I generally start falling asleep at the computer whenever I try to post, so I don't do it very often (obviously). Work is going well. Still exhausting, still fun. Will probably change to scary and draining and frickin' exhausting next week, but I won't know until the end of the month. I'm goin' to Florida to visit the husband-person for our anniversary-thing. :) My boss was brilliantly wonderful in allowing me to have Thanksgiving week off in addition to part of the following week. She rocks!

And now I need to go transfer laundry into the drier so I can go to bed and get some five hours of sleep before I leave for the airport. (Silly me, seeing a movie instead of packing...)

travel, work, anniversary

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