Unrelated Ramblings

Jul 29, 2007 03:21

I am absolutely exhausted. I stayed up Thursday night to help Jeremy finish his portfolio, and didn't get to bed until 6:30 Friday morning. Then on Friday night, I was so sleepy and yet not wanting to sleep, I again didn't get to bed until 6-ish on Saturday. AND I exercised really hard on Thursday, and haven't been eating as much, so my body is running on empty. Ugh. It's now 3:16 on Sunday, and I have to be up by noon to be able to clean the apartment (not that I have to) before 4 and then be able to make aebliskivers ('cause I want to) for the boys at 6. I should be in bed, and yet...hmmm...I think I'm worried about leaving and don't want to go to sleep because it brings me one day closer to going. :T

Also, I have two really adorable chocobos on FFXI. My first one got really creepy looking as a juvenile, but these two are going to be blue and black, respectively, and they're just freakin' cute! :D

Um...Stargate: Atlantis rocks. Must watch more.

Haven't written. Must do more of that post-move.

Will have to think about many, many, MANY things post-move, but don't want to contemplate that right now.

My CU app is finally complete. So they can finally review it. -__- I have little faith that it will be done by the time I need to be moving up there. Which means, if they admit me, I'll have to get a job until January and start then. Which means five months in the mother's house. Ew.

Now I go bed. Nigh-nigh.
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