Feb 27, 2005 12:37
This message is made entirely for Ryan Eric Suchil. If you never had the opportunity to meet him, I'm very sorry that you missed out on the truly awesome guy that he was. No matter how sad or upset you were he could put a smile on your fice in less than 5 minutes. He was one of those people that walked into a party and everyone was like OOOOH WUT UP?! People faught for his attention, and I know why. Because when you were talking to him you were the happiest person on earth. He had soooo much passion for what he did. The best guitarist I've ever known. The best friend to many. He was a best friend, a love, a crush, a "chilla", a son, a brother, and someone who I will forever miss. I only had three short years with him but his death will undoubtedly always be something thats hard for me to cope with.
God, I wish you wouldnt have driven that night. I wish I would have known, I wish u were here still. We were supposed to plan your 21st birthday. You were supposed to have a part in Anthony's new skate video. You were supposed to hang out with me TODAY. Why did you drive??? Why did you HAVE to drive? You didnt deserve this. Out of all people... it should have happened to someone like me. I tempt fate on an almost daily basis, I have no real goals in life, I have nothing truly important to live for, and yet I've always come out lucky. You... you had goals, u wanted to make the guitar shop with Keen, you wanted to move to Spain for a few years, to get married, to make people happy with your talent. Why do u have to be gone? I look at pictures of you and its like no, he's still here, this is all some sort of messed up lie or dream and I'm gonna wake up from all of it soon and ur just gonna laugh at the dream that I had. I want to see your car drive up with some Queen playing and u just bein all happy and goofy. But instead I turn on the television and see your car, YOUR CAR, the car ive been in sooo many times, split in half, with your body on the side of the road. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE YOU???? sdnmsdgl;msd;glmsd;gml/ I dont understand how the WORST things happen to the BEST people. I spent soooo many times with you, just hangin out at ur house every day, me, u, lauren, keen, and brian... and now...? What, I just get to never see you again? Just keep the memories alive? No, fuck that. You shouldnt have let urself drive! You had ur life in ur hands and chose to take the risk. Im sooo mad at you. I know that Im being hypcritical and all cuz I do it all the time, but u had more on the line than I do. Think of how many people uve let down now. Think of how many people cried yesterday because everyone of us had some sort of close tie to you. Three years of friendship just lost because of a split second mistake. I dont know, Im so angry at you, but I love you. I will always love u. And you told Lauren the night you died that you would always love me and her too, so u better have been telling the truth. I know heaven will treat you like a king, and i have to believe in heaven because i dont believe that someone like you, with so much good in their heart and so much to offer can just be gone. No, your still around somewhere, your essence and your soul, i have to believe in that, otherwise, what am i here for? Whats the reason for being born, to just be gone one day? asdkngfsdkgnsdlkgn. I miss you Ryan, I want you to come back, but u cant, so just know that I love you, and to rest in peace.