(no subject)

Nov 09, 2005 20:32

Hnnnn. Hot dinners here suck during summer. The spagbol made me actually sweat when I was eating it tonight. On the plus side no one will call me a nutter for running around in board shorts and other swimwear.
Small consolation? Strawberry daiquiri~

Seeing as though I havn't posted anything meaningful since what, a month? Not that it matters as this is ultimately procrastination.
Hokay, so:
  • Stu stuff equaled exactly jack all. After he threatened to have a repeat talk he must have just been hit by a divine bolt of common sense instead and dropped it. Neat.
  • I did a pretty damn average pols essay, not exactly content-wise but definately not something the lecturer hasn't seen before. I think the lead up really just exauhsted me before I could actually start writing. (I don't think I'll trust the University Library again in the search for sources. They don't put enough shit onto the reserve list as most the time I don't want to take the thing out of the library to begin with.)
  • Started the Lifesaving season. Every second Sunday a 7am start. \o/
  • I went out places. Though Octoberfest was the bestest. I vow, however, never to buy Bonnie a drink. Again. I've never seen anybody get away with using only $10 and a hip-flask in a 3:30pm to 12:30am stint. (We were kicked out early as some moron pulled the fire alarm.)
  • Uni ended and StuVac starts. Huzzah exams!
Speaking of StuVac though, it's just incredibly annoying that these are the times I most want to be productive in something other than study. Like drawing, which I've slacked out on. Any other boring, non-pressured day I just float around in a haze of apathy and general boredom. But then again, according to many this is a pretty normal phenomenon.
I also want to go camping.
And get my hair cut. Reeeeeeally short.

Okay, so saying I do no drawing would be a lie. That's what 3 hours of Maths lectures (in one day) are for! Other victims include my notes and my right arm. You can also see my pink wall in the background!

I don't usually take a camera down the the beach, but even though it was a pretty crappy day I give you some other suckers doing patrol work!

This was what I was doing instead. Best idea evar - a desert platter of all the stuff you could order on the menu. No more indecision on what to have, just order this cake and eat it. :0~

alrght! Study!

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