May 24, 2009 15:46
a year-ish ago today i had no idea what i was getting myself into.
but i wouldn't change it... i just hope i can accomplish what i want to with the rest of my time at arcadia--and still hold my head up even if i don't.
but no matter what happens in my job or school or life to-do list, i have so many people who love me so much and who always seem to be there for me (yesterday was a perfect example, when vince, dad, and jake all came to my automotive rescue) that it's hard to really sweat the other stuff. sure, i think about everything i need to do and have a hard time sleeping because i'm always thinking about what's next, but it doesn't really make me unhappy. it's good practice.
other than that...
super congrats to all the people walking around in silly gowns today at centre...! it will sink in eventually, i promise-- in a good way.