Mar 17, 2004 10:54
Sometimes i look at my daughter and have to smile at just how much she looks like her father. She has his same cocky smile, his same intelligance and desire to touch & understand everything around her. Her ears even kinda stick out like his do..(my poor child LOL). Its funny, she's only seen him twice but the similarities between them are uncanny. Fun experiment in genetics i guess. I just hope she doesnt get all his traits..there are aspects of him i can definatly live without. But so far i only see the good points. I think it will be interesting to see how much like him she'll end up being while not really growing up with him. Its also cute as hell to see him with her. All she does is stare at him and try to grab and pull at his piercings..he finds it funny as well. She has only spent a brief amount of time with him but its obvious that deep down she knows who he is. That was something that both of us never expected...i guess genetic ties are stronger than we give them credit for. My only hope is that later on, when everything is finally explained to her, she isnt angry with us for the arrangements and agreements we made. Both of us want only whats best for her and I know that when she is old enough to understand, she will.