Nov 09, 2009 21:50
Sooo you know me. If I have a time-crunch, say, five hw assignments AND my Nano 2666, what do I do???
DING DING DING! We have a winner! That's right, little winner, make a video! And not just any video, a NANOWRIMO TRAILER.
It probably doesn't make sense though. I don't care. Oh, you do get one helpful bitbit of knowledge. The kid, and the guy, are the same person, just all growed up. Just go with it. The rest of it doesn't make sense though. OH if it's in grayscale, it's a vision. I used the Last Legion, Timeline, and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I promise the wolves aren't random. I also promise Drem isn't a werewolf. I think that's all that needs to be said.
The first quote is by Drem, obviously. The next quote is Suko Akkaro, then Escalion-ko, then Drem, then probably Suko Dammas, then probably Vakko or some tool. No, none of these quotes are currently in my novel. Ah, the lulz.