Aug 24, 2005 13:30
Alright, so I am back at Marshall again. I arrived Sunday at 3 PM and worked on getting my room together, which I did not finish until the next day. I went to bed Sunday only to wake up at 3 AM sick. So, around 3:30, I got back to sleep and woke up sluggishly for my 9 AM class. Classes have gone well so far. Development of Sports, Spanish, and Geology all seem fairly easy and Intro to Higher Math and Calc 3 will be very enjoyable for my number-obsessed mind. Sadly, I did not get a surface parking permit since I was not informed that I could renew the damn thing and I am currently stuck in the garage parking, but I am not all that aggravated by that. It's not that much of an inconvience to fret over. I've been sore from packing/unpacking, walking around, and climbing 18 million flights of stairs (1 class on 4th floor, 2 on 5th). I object to using the elevators here so at least I'm getting some exercise. And if I'm lucky/smart, I'll start running everyday and continuing my workouts, which desisted the last couple days. I only had to spend $150 for textbooks, which is orgasm-worthy. I have 6 books for my 5 classes and I already had one of the books, I am using Bic's spanish book, and we bought a book from a friend for cheap. So, I am very happy about that as will be my credit card. But I guess that be all about Rexorde's 2nd semester at West Virginia's finest school.