Oct 31, 2004 15:25
MMMMKAAAAYYY so im gonna post though ive established that noone really reads this. Just saw all my goldies at the reunion....crazy fun. Though now im home im kinda bummed cause it went by so fast....and for some other reasons. Lets just say theres someone in the group who i would like to see more often...during the trip i felt the same way then it sorta passed and then seeing her again this weekend...it was like SHABAAAMM! so im feelin a wee bit down cause ive got no chance and that was confirmed by this weekend. But o wait i got home and my IPODS workin and thats happy, as someone i no would say. Elecions comin up and if we dont redefeat bush i will move to Armenia and become a goat herd. AAAHHH midterms comin this week, my parents are gonna be glad with a capital M. Ok though my orange hair is a nice memory of the reunion it is also itchy so it shower time.