Title: How It All Started aka HIAS
Author: bahh1, babeh!
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, I guess.
Genre: Fail!Comedy
Length: THE SHORTEST CHAPPIES YOU'LL EVER SEE. 13 chs done, ongoing.
Pairing: YunJae, YooSu, MinFood, YeWook, SiChul, KangTeuk, EunHae, wannabe Taegoon/Jae, so on..
Disclaimer: I totally own this! ALL OF IT O___O
Summary: Ever wondered how all this started? DBSK, Super Junior, I mean? Well, there is only one way to find out..!
I'm trying hard to get everyone out of our side of the kitchen (except Yunho, that cutie-pie * blush *) so I tell Minnie to draw a line that no one will cross, not when I'm in here.
I tell Minnie, 'cause he's just staring at MY food and I'm pretty sure he and Shindong are thinking about stealing it.
D'awww, Jaejoong looks so cute when he's all mommy, cooking and telling that baby (what's his name? O: ) to draw a line around his 'personal space' so I just step in the circle and stand as close to Joongie as I can, just to annoy him.
I like his face when he's angry, all puffy cheeks, awwww! * squishes Jae's cheeks*
* GRRRF * I think - * prrf * I had - * uugh * too much CCC-COFFEE!
I feel so--
* runs around, throwing stuff down from the tables, dancing and yelling *
'WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU CRAZY PERSON!?!?!?!?!' I yell, but once again, my screams are not heard.
Why, why would they throw food?! FOOD?! Food is to be loved, to be honored, to be bowed to and most of all.. TO BE EATEN!
'You crazy maniacs! Stop it!' I yell desperately. I don't think anyone hears me though, because everyone is too busy making a mess of the kitchen (and the glorious food) and food-fighting.
Shindong just stands next to me and opens his mouth wide, for food to find it's way in.
God, sometimes I think he's a genius * opens his mouth, too *
'YOU MORONS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY LEETEUKIE!' I yell and try to cover my lovely with my body, he just giggles, he GIGGLES! And throws food at other people, so they get mad and throw food at ME!
I hear someone yell back at us 'Hey gramps, grandma! Eat THIS!' I think it was Heechul, that punk!
'I'm going to get you for this!' I show him my angry-man fist and he hides behind Siwon, when I let a bowl of spaghetti fly towards him.
Siwon looks like a woman now, his hair all gooey and spaghetty-ish, so I kind-of get into the food fight, fighing hand-in-hand with my lovely Leeteukie.
(AN: the reason I call Kangin and Teuk gramps and grandma is because I read somewhere that they are like an old couple, all lovey dovey like that, okay? :3 )
I thought this day will never come! I'm so happy!
* runs to his room and puts on teenage mutant ninja turtle outfit, also takes one for Ryeowook to wear *
'HAAAA I WILL GET YOU!' I throw a box of confetti towards YunJae couple, who scream at the top of their lungs. Whoops, I forgot to take the confetti out of the box :3
Ooh, Ryeowookie looks soo cute with those tights and that turtleshell!!
'OWWWWW!' I scream, when Yesung throws a huge box into my eye, that idiot! D:
OMO, my Yunho got hit, don't worry baby, I'll save you! * runs towards Yun, but the floor is slippery *
'YEAAAP' OWWWW, why the hell am I so clumsy?!
'Yunho, save meee!' I yell at the top of his lungs, and he does.
And then we kiss and marry each other and make lovely, sexy babies and live happily ever after..
Okay, actually we just hide behind a table, but close enough.
OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM, I think I'm going to blow up, I had too much foood (can you believe it?! I never thought it could happen O: )
So, a little reality check.
Kangin is acting as a fortress for Leeteuk - getting hit with random food, Leeteuk acting like a soldier, protecting the fortress.
Heechul is dangling on Siwon's strong arms (Did Siwon get a haircut or something?! O: ) AGAIN! (srsly what is this?!=
EunHae are rolling on the ground, fighting. They're a pretty easy target * throws cake at them *
I see these two glomps of goo running after each other, covered by food. I'm pretty sure they're YooSu, because Junsu is still twitching from the coffee and Yoochun is screaming 'C'mere, baby' in every 5 seconds.
YunJae are hiding behind the kitchen counter, holding each other (srsly, you guys. Srsly. Get a room.)
Is it me or am I getting snarkier these days?! I likee~
UWAAAA, YunJae are hitting me with four, because they heard me when I told them to get a room (I actually said it out loud?)
Uwaaaaa~ * cries in agony *
* exaggerating death scene *
So, I'm trying to get back on the fanfiction-writing-horse (no I don't mean Siwon). Comment and make me a happy little girl, k? :3