Jul 22, 2004 09:34
Well I'm on my third day of orientation and I am loving it here. I have never been around such an awesome community of multi-lingual, fun, and warm people! We have been keeping busy with planning teaching strategies, playing interesting multi-cultural games, dancing to songs of many different languages, enjoying outdoor activities, and eating a variety of food from different cultures.
We leave on Saturday for the actual camp. Yesterday I got a much clearer idea of what goes on at the camp from a good friend of mine that I made. I think they should have explained more of what he mentioned in their packets. It wasn't just me who was lost with some of this stuff. But, now that I am informed, I am really looking forward to it. I decided to be on the teaching staff at the camp, instead of the activity staff. But that doesn't mean that I get the more boring job of the two. They have been encouraging us as teachers to make the main focus on fun and enjoyable activities. We can take the students anywhere on the camp to teach, we can pick our games to use in the classes, etc. They're discouraging us from being a talking head at the front of a class and encouraging us to involve the students and work eye-to-eye with them, rather than making it known that you're the teacher. All this has made me really pumped for the time when I go to camp!
Anyway, we have another gathering soon, gotta run! TTYL!