Jan 22, 2007 14:06
ok, so I got up in time and everything, made it to every class (only had two) and yeah, they're both ok I guess...math will be a bitch I can already tell. On a happier note, I was in DUC the other day ( student lobby thingy) and there was a sign that said Drummer wanted "must be inffluenced by underground music and then they listen their influences but I know none of them except vaguely hatebreed. So I said..wtf and called the number and I got to play with them. It pretty damn amazing I'm not gonna lie, they said they'd call me if they liked it...which means I suck. Heh, so I went on with the rest of my day and blah blah...I effin tripped down the stairs today...then I kept walking...didn't feel my wallet in my back pocket so I went back to where I tripped (a whopping 10 feet away) and it wasn't there...so it's either in my dorm room somewhere, someone picked it up, or at home...I dunno...oh well...we'll see. Anyway...off to do stuff