Apr 25, 2005 04:16
Well well well, I'd say its been forever since I last wrote. People keep complaining about me not writing and all that, and I just woke up for no reason right now. It's really odd sometimes when you just wake up out of no where and then write. Lets see.... so many things to say...
Work I must say, is a little different right now, with two new people and Josh quitting.... thats gonna suck, im gonna miss Josh a lot. We've done a lot of crazy things at TCBY for sure. I'm sure we'll hang out still every now and then or something....Lauren is back at TCBY working again, and Eric is still there thank god. I think I'd have to say that Eric and I have been becoming really good friends. He's a way cool kid. FO SHO .... (SPIDERMAN TSsssss)
What else... I've been smoking ever since California. A lot of you probably didn't know that... but I had to try it. Anyways, after the whole spring break awesomeness, I've been smoking a whole lot less, if any at all. I guess its more of a social thing, I never feel the need to have a cig and I don't really care for them much anyways. So I just threw away my pack (which I only had 4 of since I came back to AZ) I dont miss it at all, besides, I like to able to do things... like sing and play DDR and shit. Smoking isn't gonna help that.... but if it did. That would be pretty sweet.
Hahaha, I've been bringing my guitar to work lately to just play and stuff when it's slow. Gives me something to do to pass the time and I love to do it. Anyways, on one night, I was playing in the back and a bunch of Dobson High girls ( they looked like seniors and some of them looked familiar) heard me. So they wanted me to come out and play for them... and OF COURSE I did. They loved every bit of it, or so they say...I must say though.... it was really wierd playing in an apron, I felt stupid almost, but I tried to forget about that and just focus on playing and singing. Im happy it turned out well. I also made some extra tip since they were very giving and nice. Who ever you girls were, thanks for that experience.... So if anyone wants to hear me play and eat ice cream/yogurt, make your way to TCBY some time.
DDR a.k.a. Dance Dance Revoultion. It's at my house now for the PS2. With two nice dance pads to play. I would say it's probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I swear for the past week, it's all i have ever been doing in my free time. I honestly love it to death, I can't really explain why...but it's so much damn fun. Although, my legs and feet hurt so fucking much right now, thats the only bad part. Especially when you stand at work all the time, its killer. Yet, I still want to play it no matter what, so I guess thats my fault. I wish I could just play it 24/7, but its one of those games where you have to stop because not only do your feet/legs hurt, but also your heart is pacing like a mo fo and you need water and can't breathe. I think the best part about the game, is that its really a good work out. Definetly a plus. Eric is better at it then me, but we're gonna hit up the arcades sometime soon....
You know what really disturbed me the other day? I was eating a bag of doritos the other day, and on the bag it said "Now Better Tasting!," and so I just looked at it for a minute and then I got upset. I mean, what the fuck does that really mean? And how the fuck would you know if its better tasting or not? Isn't that just an opinion? God damnit, did they add some magical better tasting ingredient to it? NO. Fuck you and your advertising doritos. It's mind boggling.... what a soar subject this is for me.....
"Now Better Tasting!"... I mean COME ON, W T F
Penni has been sad these past days, so I've been trying to keep in contact with her as much as possible, and I called her the other day, which was really nice. I love hearing her voice and her cute laughs. It almost makes me sad to hear her laugh. It's one of those things you just wish you could hear every day. Well, to me, atleast. I miss her....COME DOWN HERE SOONER
Thats all I got for now.
OH and hey, if you like Beck, his new CD "Guero" is really awesome. Go check it out.