Mar 24, 2006 11:00
So I've decided, that I shouldn't be allowed to drink beer and play beerpong with kelly anymore, because we just have too much fun. Haha. Last night was so much freaking fun and so much craziness... I like things like that cause I can call my boys up like 20 mins before and say hey lets get some BP going on, and it's on. Now those are the type of friends that I love and need more of. Forget this planning shit, I love the randomness and people that are always down for something. But anyway, me and Kelly are trouble when we get together... but in a good way! She should have really come with me to spring break, then all hell woulda broken loose. haha.
So I'm going off of 3 hrs of sleep right now at most, and I should probably be sleeping right now. Getting up for class at 8am on a Friday is a bitch. I will have no life for this entire weekend for sure, and the next 3 weeks. So if you see me, consider yourself lucky. You can find me hibernating out in the UCF Library. I have to do 3 full presentations before Monday might I mind you. It's going to be impossible. And by that I mean I have to start from scratch basically and find everything. Why I do this to myself and procrastinate and save it till the end is beyond me. I should work on that... but later. haha.
So one presentation on Tuesday to give for sure. 2 presentations to give in 3 weeks. A 10 pg paper in 3 weeks too, endless assignments each week for each classt that I have, reading out my ass, 2 excel projects, another 3 page paper on nursing home review.... OH LORD> somebody shoot me in my head. Or just come visit me some this week ... that will work too.
ok now to sleep before i spend the entire day in the library