Aug 24, 2006 18:12
this song makes me happy. well band is stupid as usual no final run through which is totally stupid. way to make us forget the stupid show. thanks. our first competition is gonna suck. they have no clue what they are doing!! ahhhhh
thats it guys i'm trying out for drum major next year. and thats final.
we surprised billy with some chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese after work. :D lovethatkid erins phone almost went out the window because she was sooo mad at it....hahahahahah well actually it would be funny when she had to go get it before it got ran over. but whatever.
well lizzie guess what just came on itunes? haha mood rings. just for you. oh and now girl next dooor. wow. weird.
alrighty lizzie hope your having fun in the bahamas now. glad you made it through the bermuda triangle. ohhk