Aug 26, 2006 00:36
So I'm thinking that now that's been a good couple weeks into senior year I'd let ya'll know how its going. Well, to begin with, I love it. I love walking in and knowing I rule the school. I may not "rule the school" literally but there's a strut that I've adopted in the past few days and I dont know where it came from because I honestly hated it when I saw others with it. LOL. I love parking in b-lot, it's ten times better than c-lot will ever be. And I really dont have to get up any earlier than I used to. I just have to make sure that I do indeed get up, unlike the other day when I got up at 8:00. Oh well, we all mess up sometimes.
I enjoy having classes with my friends again. Seth and I are becomming better friends everyday in Business Law, a class I can't imagine dropping now. I enjoy it. Plus, I type my notes, how awesome is that? My latin class is kick butt, we've hit a flaw, but we'll work it out. Things are going swimmingly in there. Third block, well it's presenting itself to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. She's got us doing these projects with word on the computer which you would think wouldn't be too hard right? Well, the book does a poor, and I mean poor job of explaining what the heck it means by what is said. And I find myself having to reread the steps three, four times until I think I understand what it's saying, and then I usually end up asking her. I'm suprised she hasn't wanted to kill me yet. Maybe it's the fact I type 120 GWAM, probably.
Fourth block is presently my challenge. I despises math, DESPISE. I find myself saying I'm going to go in and work hard and get a good grade for once in a math class and all this other stuff but then I find myself goofing off with Malachi and Nick Ramsey, Jordan and anyone else around me and the next thing I know class is over and I haven't learned a thing. And we're only reviewing Alg. 2 stuff. I have made some progress, I've started making myself pay attention and do the packets. We have a test wednesday the earliest so hopefully she'll push it back again. :D. So I need a little assistance in getting myself motivated to pay attention, because this time next year I wont have time to goof off in class and not do well when I'm paying to go to the class. UGH. Life, it sucks at times.
Youth group is really iffy to me right now. Part of me is excited/scared about it being my senior year and all the things that it will have to offer me and then there's this constant feeling when I'm there that things are continuing to go downhill and are never going to work themselves out. So why keep going? I never thought I'd be one to say, I dont like going to youth group but it's gotten to that point. I dont want to be this way, but it's ooberly hard to not feel it.
My friends are more amazing than ever.
My girlfriend is kick butt and inspires to me to do what I want to with my life.
My family is realizing what is to come in the spring and we're taking steps to make this year a simply and stressfree year.
Life is good....mostly.
I have the gift of one liners, most def.