Take a listen:
Woods - Bon Iver This is my song at the moment. It's not the typical song that I would listen to (even though I LOVE Bon Iver). I bought the EP yesterday, and I literary wanted to cry when I first heard the first few harmonies. The subtle sigh just lingered and my gosh, after the week I had, it felt like sweet release to lay down my head on my desk and just listen. I walked around campus with Bon Iver's Blood Bank EP playing on my iPod, and it was just so... refreshing to just walk with no direction. I've been running around and studying and just basically suffocating. And even though I still have a very tough week ahead of me, I thought I should share with you guys this song, because bbs, whoever is reading this, just take a listen and lay down your pretty head for five minutes.
While running around and doing your best is awesome and a good way to become successful in life, you GOTTA BREATHE.
Goodnight my lovelies,