Apr 27, 2010 20:08
Excerpts from recent conversations:
Guy in his 50s who doesn't know how to pay a compliment: Whoa where are you going? America's Next Top Model? Looks nice!
Guy: Tyra's coming by for an interview later!
Me: Oh you want me to let someone named Tyra in?
Guy: Yeah she's interviewing you.
Me: Wait, what? Someone's interviewing me?
Other colleague: He's talking about Tyra Banks.
Me: Oh.
Guy [while walking away]: Haha she didn't catch that! Too busy watching hockey!
Colleague: The cabinet in that office might have some mold, though.
Branch chief in her late 40s: It doesn't matter - it's just for a contractor.
Division chief (her boss): Because contractors aren't people?
Branch chief: With all due respect, when I started here, we were all expected to clean our workspaces. [angrily whips out her bag of cleaning products for show and tell]
Manager in her 40s: And what is up with M's wardrobe? Where do you think she gets her clothes - Goodwill? [thinks my horrified expression is directed at the clothes] Yeah, probably not - Goodwill doesn't even have those.