
Jun 19, 2004 19:28

It's interetsing when you use your eyes for the first time. There's a sting, and a slight annoyance of the rose-colored glasses coming off. Using those talons to pry off the lenses. Mmm the sweet release of lies.
I also enjoy using a hammer, to break those blocks, and to reallign some things that got misdirected in the hubb bubb of knowledge and power.
I'm not quite sure yet why I misdirect things so. Or why I choose to let myself get confused, or over-heated. Not in the good way. I'm not quite sure why I bite my tongue yet. But it hurts.
I do have a theory though for why I've been having such mouth problems, pain, peeling on my lips etc. It's buring off, and biting off the belief mouth-mask if you will, of the lies and misdirects, and such that I eat. And the yucky food I put into my mouth a lot.
Which brings me to the yucky food. Yucky, chuh. It's full of fat, and not the good naturing kind, and poisens and lies(blasted lies!) and comfort that does not taste good anymore. I actually find it rather repulsive.
I want to go to Trader Joe's because it's slightly better than Rayle's or the like. They have yummy food there. Marlies has me addicted to these little sweet pepper pickle thingies that they sell there. And salmon.
It'd be the best if I could go live somewhere the stream wasn't polluted with oil or hate, and if the apples didn't have man-made spray on them to get rid of any speck of nature that was left in them. Oh and then there's the "breeding for big" quality. If it's big it sells more. Because we are a fat nation. Well, I soon no longer be a citizen of that nation. 6-8 months. That's all. As soon as I actually get my nose to the grind stone. Which is an odd expression. But in any case, it's what I'll do.
It's interesting because outside of my house I can refuse yucky food and go for the nature-all or healthier item, yet when with my mom and in my house I can not. I shall work on that. For I can, I just refuse to as of right now. Cause it's an excuse.
Excuses Excuses. Bah.
Like I wasn't going to go to class tomorrow because I need to finish my ren faire costume. I need to go to class as well. I chose the one I figured would be more beneficial and better for me. I can finish as much costume as I can, then swing the rest. Who knows, I might finish all of it. Atleast I have my wings. Mhm, mhm.
I have my wings.
It's 5 am and the class is at 11, and we leave at 10 so I'm going to go to bed.
Chat ya later, dolls.
(I'm Spicey!)
No really, I actually am. It's in my personality.
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