Odds and ends

Feb 29, 2012 20:38

I haven't posted in ages -again, some would say:)-, and I apologise for not being more present, but February had mostly been the Flu Month here, with pneumonia (the hubby), bronchitis and otitis (the son), sinusitis and cracked rib (yours truly) on the side. So any update would have sounded like a kind of coughing dirge, and I thought better not to inflict such depressing performance on you all.

Besides, this month was the anniversary of the huge breakdown I suffered last year, and I've been feeling more anxious than usual. My therapist says it's normal and I believe her, but... well, it's still uncomfortable. Overall, I'm way better, though, even if I'm not as healthy as I'd wish. If everything goes smoothly, I'll start teaching again after Easter, a few Greek classes. Sometimes I feel I'm ready, but there are some bad days when I think I'll never be well enough to face students. We'll see.

ION, I've set up another LJ. (I've tried Tumblr, but I don't feel comfortable with the way it works). The new one is mainly consacred to pictures, paintings, drawings, etc... that I find beautiful, inspiring or merely funny or pleasant to the eye, and usually not fandom related. But as I'm planning to post pics of attractive men too, fandom will not be entirely absent, and the place will be definitely nc-17 rated.:) So, I'm agalmata over there. Agalma means "statue, image" in ancient Greek; agalmata is a plural (someone had already picked the singular. What a cheek!:)) /boring teacher.
It would be wonderful if you'd friend me there, too.

Needless to say, that doesn't mean I've stopped fantasising and writing about Frodo and Sam. I'm still in love with them, as much as I was when I read LotR for the first time, thirty-five years ago.:)

fandom, health, school, rl, ljfriends

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