Too much social life

Apr 27, 2007 17:38

Too much real life. Uni continues to be mostly great (except for the soul-crushing boredom that is Translation and Writing), but this week, three of my friends had their birthday. On Wednesday I got drunk with my best friend (on champagne and her parents' stack of very good scotch - now how anyone could drink large capacities of scotch is a mystery to me, it is clearly a proof of mutant healing, but it tastes very good) and tonight we're celebrating again.

I find partying a lot more exhausting than studying could ever be. The reason I don't have more of a social life is not that I'm shy (which I'm not at all) or that I'm socially awkward (I am, but not that badly) but that I'm lazy. So terribly lazy. And I only like to socialize with people who are at least somewhat geeky or nerdy. I talked about this with my best friend when we got drunk and she said that for her it was a wonderful thing to discover after highschool that she could socialize with "normal" people, go out dancing, and stuff. For me it's quite the opposite: I'm ten times happier since I identify as a geek.

Btw, how do I change my LJ layout? If I wanted to change nothing but the, um, the image at the top, you know, the background, how would that be achieved? I know one can write the layout from scratch, but I only want to change that!


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