Clex rec, uni

Apr 15, 2007 22:29

First of all, a rec:

Monkey See, Monkey Do by drakeofdross
This is the extremely deserving winner of the CLFF wave 20. I read this and I was so full of squee that I could hardly wait to rec it. It's cool and long and S6 Clex that's not fluffy but not depressing either. There's hardly a story-kink I have that this fic didn't hit. Go, go, go, read it. And beg drakeofdross to write more. I love monkeys. Great Apes, actually, but the monkey in this fic is about as smart as a chimpanzee (probably smarter), so, yay. I once wrote a paper about experiments that teach apes languages, like sign languages, in school, and this is exactly what this fic is about. Only with awesome Clex. I love how Lex, in this fic, is all "grr" towards Clark in the beginning, but his interest in science totally overrides that. Science! Is more important than their personal issues! And then there's hypothermia, and camping in the wilds, and rough sex, and talk about destiny, and Clark makes a wonderful deal with Lex. Also, we get a smart monkey's perspective of Clark and Lex, which is unspeakably funny and true.


I now know which courses I'll be doing this semester:
Writing I (this isn't creative writing)
Translation I
Introduction to Linguistics
a course about Noam Chomsky's Generative Grammar
a course about Christopher Marlowe's plays and life
Teaching English with Texts
Introduction to Ethics and Philosophy
Cultural Studies: "Rewriting the Past in the Future: Star Trek"

This means that with just two semesters, I'll have my Zwischenprüfung in English, which is roughly equivalent to a Bachelor.

uni, life, rec

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