Tonight I'm going to the obligatory family dinner (the 24th - "Heiligabend" - is where it's at Christmas-wise in Germany), but right now I'm sitting at home alone, I have revised almost all my English Lit stuff and now I'm going to procrastinate :)
Top 10 Shippings Overall (order changing depening on mood)
1. Clark/Lex
2. Spike/Buffy
3. Tim/Kon
4. Picard/Q
5. Garak/Bashir
6. Remus/Snape (or anything plausible involving Snape, really), Remus/Sirius (HP OTP pre-OotP)
7. Sheppard/McKay (my love for SGA is pretty much gone, but there's still lots of fics in that fandom which I adore.)
8. Superman/Batman
9. Professor X/Magneto
10. House/Wilson
Friendship + antagonism = OTP
Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes
1. Tim/Kon/Bart
2. Clark/Lex/Bruce
3. Buffy/Angel/Spike (the only combination in which I can stand Angel)
4. Harry/Ron/Hermione
5. Kirk/Spock/McCoy (purely canon... I never seem to find any good fic for that fandom.)
1., 4. and 5. are really just very close canon friendships, but they don't lose their appeal at all when slashed.
Top 5 Canon Pairings
1. Kira/Odo
2. Chloe/Clark
3. Lionel/Martha
4. Buffy/Spike
5. Bruce/Diana (JLU)
Canon pairings are usually het pairings. The are all pairings I love on the respective shows, but have little desire to read/write about (except 4.)
Top 5 "Not my favorite, but they're very nice alternate choices" Shippings (alternate implies that they're alternate to something else... not all of these are.)
1. Bruce/Lex
2. Chloe/Clark
3. Giles/Ethan
4. Chloe/Lana
5. Crowley/Aziraphale
Top 5 Crossgen Shippings (crossgen isn't a word I'd ever use, but I hate anime/manga terminology being transplanted into western fandoms, so there.)
1. Snape/Harry or Snape/Hermione (this usually requires OOC from at least one character, but I don't mind at all if it's done well)
2. Buffy/Spike is *definitely* crossgen
3. Chloe/Lionel *ducks*
Can't think of any others.
Top 5 "wtf that makes no sense... but I LOVE it!" Shippings
1. any comics character/any comics character
Top 5 "I just don't feel what everyone else is feelin'" Shippings
1. Harry/Hermione, Harry/Cho, Harry/... whatever, I don't care.
2. Clark/Lois (I love them as friends, but I see very little chemistry there.)
3. Picard/Crusher
4. House/anyone not Wilson or Stacy
5. random Heroes pairings.
Top 5 "I hope these die" Shippings (only canon, because people may write whatever they please in fandom)
1. Clark/Lana (sort of thankfully dead in canon now - yay show!)
2. "My het is pastede on" aka every pairing in HBP ever. JKR should never ever write romance.
3. Chloe/Jimmy
4. Bruce/Talia al Ghul (Batman/Catwoman 4eva!!! *draws hearts with little ears*)
5. Buffy/Angel (lost its appeal in the middle of S1 and even then it was creepy).