Nov 23, 2013 17:26
There's so much on the 50th anniversary on the web right now that I'm almost fed up with it, plus as you all know my feelings about current DW are... not good feelings, but tonight I'm going undercover as a New Who fangirl, so wish me luck. As in, actually going to see the 50th in a cinema and cosplaying as Amy (the outfit from Vincent and the Doctor - green coat, red scarf, jeans mini - which is at least a nice episode) - in as much as cosplaying a New Who companion can count as cosplay, given that these are all just clothes you can buy in any store on mainstreet. My dream cosplay would be something else - a Time Lord robe, or Leela's Savage outfit, or Nyssa's princess dress or Benny in her archeologist outfit or Ainley!Master's gold-embroidered coat, but I have neither the money nor the skills to make this happen, alas. If it was warmer, I'd wear my High Council of the Time Lords Gallifrey T-shirt.
This whole thing wasn't my idea, but this one guy in my RP group has recently become a Who fan and is really excited about it (and because I wore the Gallifrey Tshirt in his presence once and know 100% more about Who than he does, he thinks I am just into it). He and I are ridiculously mismatched in our fannishness - he likes Moffat, I like Classic, he likes epic bombast, I like rubbish monsters and obscure extended canon facts, but in a way it's a bit amusing, because it reverses the usual fangirl/fanboy stereotypes in Who fandom, so I can live with it without hating myself too much.
Let's hope Day of the Doctor is better than expected :)
doctor who