Asylum of the Daleks

Sep 05, 2012 23:28


- there was a new episode of Doctor Who DAYS AGO and my flist failed to alert me of this
- it was a Moffat episode with Daleks and the Doctor being Moffaty, and yet I kinda enjoyed it*
- I think I'm really going to like the new companion. As in, I can't wait for another episode with her.

*It was an extremely Moffat-ish episode, but at some point I caught myself thinking, "Okay, there were other eras in DW I don't enjoy that much, and Moffat is just another era like that, not a capital offence". Either I don't care as much as I used to, or this era has stopped being new, or in this episode it seemed more like a matter of style than a matter of being essentially different from the Who I like. Also, there were quite a few Old Who continuity references, and it reminded me of some Big Finish serials (notably "Jubilee" and some of the Charley and Six serials, plus Seven era as a whole) so it just... wasn't bad. With a few small changes, it would have been a rather excellent episode.

doctor who

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