prompt meme

Nov 01, 2011 13:13

This autumn vacation is being unexpectedly BORING. I thought I would need time to finish this term paper, but it's all done already. I want to write fic, but I'm so incredibly rusty and not into anything so much that I can haunt kinkmemes and all I produce is blank pages. So! Let's try some prompt memes :)

Give me a song, a picture or a poem, and a fandom (characters or pairings optional) and I will write you a fic! Links to songs, pictures and poems are appreciated, but I trust in my google-fu and youtube to find it on my own as long as you give me the title and artist.


Give me an AU setting/plot and a fandom. SMALL CATCH: if you ask for a human AU and the characters in question do not have human names (such as "The Master") then please give me an appropriate human name as well because I SUCK AT NAMES.

Fandoms: Doctor Who, Bernice Summerfield, superheroes (you know, Superman and Avengers and X-Men and stuff), Smallville, Star Trek, Merlin, True Blood (S1 and S2), Big Bang Theory, Mythology (any), Dresden Files... you can throw other stuff at me and see what happens, too.

meme, fic

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