Apr 10, 2009 12:40
For years, I've wondered if maybe I should apply for a scholarship, but I always decided that I probably wouldn't qualify (my grades are good enough, but usually, they want more than just good grades...). This morning, my mother woke me up by tossing a pile of mail into my bed and one of the letters I opened was from the major scholarship association in Germany, telling me that someone had suggested me for a scholarship. I guess luck isn't just for fools, children and drunks, but also for the excessively lazy :D
Of course this means that I'll have to do paperwork, and show up for a personal meeting with them and explain why I'm so awesome that I deserve to be given money and cool stuff. So far, I've come up with:
- I have good grades and am a fairly fast student
- I'm working as a TA
- I'm from a socially weak background (father has been unemployed for more than a decade, mother is staying at home caring for my grandmother with Alzheimer's, nobody in my family has a completed degree or college education of any kind)
- I'm a member of Amnesty International (lookit! I'm all social!)
- I have cool extracurricular interests that are not geeky at all, like roleplaying and creative writing...
Um, yeah, I guess that last one needs polishing. And I need to do more courses, 8 hours per week probably doesn't cut it.