Apr 12, 2009 22:38
Does anyone know how to delete tags? Is it even possible?
Probably not, because that'd be just my luck. I can't do my homework. So. That sucks. And I have a test on Tuesday, which also sucks, because my last test in that class was...uhm...made of fail, let's say. And, yeah, it doesn't help that I really just feel like writing.
Matter of fact, I'm totally writing while I'm doing things. Anything. I'm always sitting there in my free time composing something completely wonderful in my head [although, generally, admittedly, still not quite 100 percent developed], but I don't ever seem to get it to paper [to screen?].
I have a starting place for a fic. But, see, now I'm to the point where I can't really even start it because I need to sleep. My internal clock wakes me up at fairly decent hours in the morning, usually. But it hasn't been for a month or so, and suddenly it started again this weekend. So, that was weird, and now I'm tired again.
Okay. So, coolest piece of chocolate ever. I got a piece of chocolate shaped and colored like a rubber duck. Is that not freaking awesome? I would just...y'know, not eat it and add it to my collection, but...it's chocolate, and...after awhile it would just get gross. So, yeah. Although, let's be honest, I have so much chocolate right now it's not even funny. Maybe I should just start eating that instead of real food [I mean, really, Kisses, M&Ms, chocolate bunny, chocolate duck, mints, Rolos...]. It's kind of crazy.
I find it fascinating that I just constructed a fairly lengthy paragraph (compared to my normal standards) about chocolate. A paragraph that will undoubtedly be the longest in this entry.
It's so much fun to just type things that don't have anything to do with anything. You should try it sometime.