We were probably the only people that asked the stormtrooper to do a kickline with us. You know you're awkward when even the geeks are staring at you bizzarely.
So I just got back from Comic-Con with Harry and David tonight. It was fantastic. I'll try to keep the geeky gushing to a minimum. Here's the run-down:
-I met creator of Batman: The Animated Series, Superman, Justitce League, etc. Bruce Timm and Dwayne McDuffie, one of the current/best writers for the show. Bruce Timm is definitely one of my heroes. Kind of amazing to finally meet him/have him sign stuff. This is the first time I've had anything signed. Amazing.
-I met Jackson Publick, creator of The Venture Bros. He was awesome and down-to-earth and we chatted about the various David Bowie jokes he stuck in the show. And he drew me my very own personalized picture of the most awesome/pathetic villain of them all, The Monarch! "Jail is for traffic violations, I am in prison!"
-I saw Tenacious D play a live set including a handful of NEW songs plus Wonderboy, Fuck Her Gently, Tribute, and MORE. Plus crazy amusing shenanigans that are found on their album...but different.
-Saw Ray Harryhausen and Ray Bradbury in PERSON. Both are pushing senile, but Bradbury is hilariously entertaining for an old coot. And Harryhausen...well, he's gotta be near-90 and he still maintains that air of 'cool.'
Oh, and we saw Charlie & the Chocolate Factory while in San Diego. It was a highly entertaining and utterly hilarious film. I didn't know Johnny Depp was that strong of a comedic actor. He basically carried the entire film with his Michael Jackson-esque portrayal of Willy Wonka. Overall, though, I have nitpicks with it, mainly being that the exploration of Wonka's backstory seemed a bit forced by the end and set up an awkward film pace. And while it was visually stunning and funny to watch, the film had very little depth, which extends to the acting. Depp's characterization was fantastic to watch, but it was also very shallow. Of course, I think this was somewhat purposeful. As Charlie says in the movie, "Candy doesn't have to have a point. That's why it's candy." Well, that's exactly how I felt about the movie. It was beautiful to watch, entertaining to sit through, and just a fun film overall, but nothing more. Gotta love Burton's take on things.
I'm kind of overwhelmed by Comic-Con this year. I've never been very interested in the whole meeting-celebrities thing since my high school was practically a breeding ground for celebrity's kids, but the guys I met over the weekend are some of my heroes, even though most of the world have no idea who the hell they are. It was amazing.
Separately, filming went well on Wednesday night, and we finished shooting. Harry should have the final cut put together by tomorrow. We had to cut a lot, though, which is a shame. Because Eddie was utterly hilarious. Ah, well. The Director's Cut or whatever we do with it will have the footage. Somehow we'll have it available. Because it's far too funny NOT to be seen.
My mind is still reeling from the fact that I saw Tenacious D live AND met Bruce Timm and Jackson Publick. This is madness. I haven't even thought of picking up Harry Potter. I have to finish Haunted first. Time to read.