Apr 02, 2011 22:16
This has meant that we have had to spend the day rearranging the house back into some sort of order. It also means that I have had a chance to put stuff in a bag to take to the tip tomorrow, and Dave has allowed me to do it for once.
The Boiler Room which is no longer a room with a boiler (although it will probably always be known as that) is now ordered and clean and is storing a whole load of things that used to be in the spare room, like the suitcases, camping kit and spare fold up mattress. This is A Result as it now means I can start sorting out the spare room.
We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary yesterday - can't believe it was so long ago we did the deed (on April Fools Day which sort of sums us up). Bit of a meh day though with the plumbers still in the house, a real mess to come home to and then a rather inadequate meal out, and then spending this morning arguing about moving shit and tidying up.
And to add to the glory of the weekend, there's a trip to see my in-laws tomorrow which is never a fun thing to do.