
May 04, 2007 18:05

I consider myself extremely luck. I have in my life people I know I am able to count on to be there for me if I ever really need it. Even if I never asked them I know they are there. Almost everyone I consider a friend I have know for 8 years or more. Most people can't say that. My close friends I have know some of since high school or earlier. I don't know very many people that can say they are still friends with the people that were their friends in high school 15 years later, at least not more than one or two of their friends.
I have just had a friend pass on suddenly and yes it saddens me but I have the honor of saying I knew him for many years and have many fond memories of my friend. It also makes me appreicate all the time that I have with those of you whom I love as a friends. Reguardless if I am able to see you talk to you or even e-mail you often or you I. I am grateful that I have that option still after all the time that has lasped since we first met.

That we still consider each other friends is a blessing to me and I am grateful. Thank you all for being there, even if your just in my heart.
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