Sep 30, 2004 02:10
Hehe takin one from carrie... So tuesday was my bday and we went to dinner like 16 of us went to dinner at O charley's it was alot of fun. Then we all went back to Southeast played a little vball...i coached the girls for a while. Till micheal made me be quiet. Drank some tequila or well alot with carrie and ash. David was kind enough to take care of me and bring me home. I had a great night. Carrie gave me this huge poster card that is now on my wall...i will think of her always. And kristin gave me a 1/5 of smirnoff blue label....hehehehe more alcohol...just what i wanted....hahahaha. So tonight was fun...went to southeast ashley and carrie drank...carrie is absoultely histerical...i love her...she is awesome. Hung out with mikee and adam and ash and carrie and jack...we all sat around and talked the night away till like 1 30 or so. Adam came back to the apartment with us. He is so funny. Gave some interesting insight into a guy's perspective on quite alot of subjects. What a fun convo. Learned some new things about people on tuesday...found out that this certain is in a class of mine....hmmmmmmmm.....carrie on my page??!! So now it is thursday my last night before the nightmarish weekend begins...why a nightmare because all i do is work and it sucks. I absolutely hate working at the dag-um restaurant. I just can't do it. I don't like working that way. Plus, I SUCK AT IT AND MAKE NO MONEY. Anyways, scott will be here this weekend so i will be seeing lots of him yay!!! Anyways its 2 a.m. and i guess i should get to bed...night all!!!