WHO WOULD WIN IN A FIGHT: Tournament of Champions Part One

Jun 04, 2009 09:24

My life currently all about freaking out over my San Diego/Vegas tickets because I want a change and the price they're asking is absolutely absurd (hint: the change cost is $200 more than the TICKET). So instead of curling up into a ball and weeping, here's another Who Would Win in a Fight?

The winners of the previous rounds have now been paired up, with some semblance of fairness so that Dakota Fanning doesn't end up fighting Karl Kroenen and divided into a few groups. This is the first one and the winners of this, the next one and the third one will go up against each other in the end. Since there's an uneven number (thanks to one character appearing twice), Voldemort was randomly selected (beckara was present to guarantee randomness) as the wild card. Another Wild Card will be chosen for the final round.

Now here's the poll. Remember the rules: no weapons, no magic, nothing. Just a one-on-one physical fight. Who would win?

Poll Who Would Win in a Fight? Tournament of Champions! Round One.


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