Hi everyone and anyone on the Benry tag,
I am looking for a beta reader for a Ben Affleck/Henry Cavill piece of Real Person Slash Fiction. It is a one-shot, in English, ca. 5000 words long, and involves sex, so definitely NC-17. It’s pretty straight up and no kink, no non consensual, etc.
It’s not my first fic and I’ve been editing it for almost a week so there shouldn’t be any typos to deal with. I am mostly needing a new set of eyes and stylistic input. I am not a native English speaker, thus sometimes I write weirdly sounding sentences that probably are too French-influenced. Help is welcome with these too.
Track-change users are preferred! I use Word and OneDrive.
If interested, please contact. I would really appreciate your insight before I share this RPS with the world.
**EDIT: I’d love someone nicely-to-well versed in British English as this one is a Henry’s POV (although in limited third person narrative), and would love to flag American or even Canadian vernacular to change it to a British equivalent.**
~If there is chemistry, this could lead to more~ lol meaning I have another companion ‘chapter’ for this one-shot.
Also, a sample of my writing, although old and has definitely evolved, can be found