scream real loud at my ass.

Aug 05, 2010 04:36

Hmm. Watching Family Guy at 3:30 am.

Nothing much going on. Still no job. Classes start in two weeks. ughhhhhh.

Finished Shattered Memories a billion years ago. It was alright, I got all the endings. I got tired of playing it after the 2nd ending. I may not play it again. It left me pretty unsatisfied. Here's hoping the next game in the series goes back to the old roots. Let's not change things again, okay Konami? Formulas in franchises work for a reason.

Thheennn I played Devil May Cry 4. I loved it, and Nero too. Did not like the way they skank'd up Lady. Dear male designers, please stop thinking with your Male Gazing dick, and start using designs that make sense and aren't gross and aren't obvious that you don't give a shit about women. It was fun otherwise, Nero's combos are fucking awesome.

Got back into playing Metal Gear Solid. Finally finished Portable Ops, didn't care for it too much. Finally played Metal Gear Solid 4. MORE ACTUAL GAMEPLAY PLZ. I don't mind the long cutscenes at all, but please balance this out with more gameplay. The ending... I cried :( Same advice to the male designers in this game. Meryl was Doing It Right (buff women ftw; not sure about Big Mama, even though I liked her), why couldn't they extend that to the rest of the female characters? Dear god the B&B Corps were retarded. I did not like the way the Gekko units cried when hurt. Don't make me feel bad for killing machines! FROG Units were annoying to kill but looked awesome. Excited about Rising, hoping Big Mama plays a role in it.

Speaking of Metal Gear Solid 4, I also got into the world of online gaming, via Metal Gear Online. dear lord, everyone else sucks. way too many cheaters and glitchers. Got to level 2 and stopped playing. I own at using the shotgun and killing everyone in all-out deathmatches so far. Don't like the limited character customization. I want to make ugly women and pretty girly men, I don't like being forced to use the opposite. My current character is Blahfox, and I plan to make a future female character if I get back into it.

Now into Resident Evil. Whhhhyyyy are the Chronicles series on the damn Wii? Whhyyy? Whose idea was that? Now I have to get a Wii, you greedy bastards. I'm almost finished with all the scenarios in Resident Evil 2. Next up is 3, a game I've had for 10 years, but NEVER FINISHED. Nemesis killed my ass at the end and my young self gave up. Found a Resident Evil porn community with rules that said if you wrote tentacle porn, you were totally uncreative or some bullshit. lol because writing leon/ada is completely original. Membership was closed anyway and hadn't been updated in a year, so no big loss. I'll stick to my sick and gross and uncreative monster-molesting-a-helpless-human porn, thanks.

Serious stuff: had some health scares early in the year. Nothing to worry about, I stress too easily. Still depressed about Eleanor. Still need a job, not sure if I should even bother with financial aid this year because I never get anything anyway.

WENT TO COMIC CON AND MET HIDEO KOJIMA, GOD OF METAL GEAR SOLID. Highlight of my year, so that did lift my spirits up a bit :] I got molested by Pikachu :/ Pictures on my facebook (ask for link, lulz).

Been drawing gross gory guro porny stuff lately. Needed to get that shit out of my system before getting started on all the drawings I owe to people x_x I may or may not post them here. Depends on how not-ashamed I am of them.

Hmm. Limited writing because I'm sleepy. Thinking of changing journals because I'm tired of my super-goth username. I just don't know if I should pay or make a brand new journal. I'm too cheap to pay, but too lazy to move everything.

Going to watch Inception tomorrow (er, in about 8 hours, actually) with my momma. Saw it already last week, but I liked it. I liked it a lot.

Going to bed now. zzzzzzz.

video games, babble

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