"Monkeys are funny. Everytime you see a monkey you should be laughing"- Mr. Lewis, my history teach

May 27, 2003 21:10

maybe i'll start updating in this journal when i update my other one...

chances are they'll basically say the same thing but since a lot of you never look at my deadjournal since youre all lazy or you complain because it isnt on your LJ friends list then maybe i'll try to please you all by writing in here. i know kate and kristina were trying to persuade me to use this thang more often. so maybe i'll give it a trial run. lately LJ has been on the fritz for me lately. sometimes it just won't load...kinda like how DJ used to do to me.

damn, i have DJ configured all nice though and its kinda how i want it...i don't wanna do the same thing for this one...does anyone wanna do it for me? like put some pretty pictures in the background and make it all pretty-like with nice colors and happy fonts and stuff? if you wanna do it for me then tell me pwease.

oh and steve, thanks again for the count the stars cd...hey...if you work for them then do you think you could score a show for when i come back home for the summer? you said theyre better live than they are recorded and since i was up at school when you guys went to the show i wanna go see em.

wait, does steve even read this journal? if he doesnt i should tell him to i guess. ok well im gonna go...game one of the stanley cup finals is on and me being the losery hockey fan that i am, im gonna go watch it. toodles
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