Mar 01, 2004 21:06
Breathe in for the headaches of yesturdays which may swallow you whole into the nyquil tomorrows.
Exhale the pent up screams in the pit of your throat which no one seems to listen to until you make them.
see the horizons that never existed because suns don't rise in your worst nightmares entagled in lifes confusion why is is it so dark in here?
Touch the kiss of buttermilk lips never had of shattered glass friends bleeding through and of your only real home in your minds stormy graveyard.
taste the misery of a bitter sweet law suite chasing you in a Ms. Packman world with cotton pink ribbon gums and music so happy your heasd splits in two while you start over. Start over.
Feel the reflected breathe of your blinding lies and the one truth that life understood doesn't mean anything anymore.
Live the life everyone else seems to have
that everyone else seems to find so easy
The life that no matter what you do
where you go
who you become
you will never have
and breathe on
because stopping
doesn't get you anywhere
not in this life anyway.