May 30, 2008 18:45
this is the time time i'll be reporting from the wonderful city of Caen.
it's a very weird feeling right now, here. all my shit is packed up and ready. ma chambre is once again bare, like it was in the beginning. yesterday abbie and caroline left, and it was hard saying bye to people i shared this experience with every night for the past 4 months. who knows when/if I'll ever see them again. it's getting quieter and quieter around campus each day. I took the DELF examen- the big test that everything depended on. and it was easy. i spent my last day walking around centre ville looking for presents for my grandma and my cousins. i got my last crepe avec nutella. i got my last baguette sandwiche. last night i ate a real, home made, french dinner at my friend's house. her host-mother made us a 5 course meal and it was the best thing i've eaten since I've been here. so long 5 course meals. so long wonderful beautiful delicious fromage. so long fresh baguettes. so long cheap wine. so long chateau. leaving to go home is even more confusing than it was to come here. but i'm ready. my life is about to change all over again. time for summer lovin'.
c'est tout. au revoir ma jolie.