Highlander: Family Tree Review Post - Episode 2

Nov 25, 2007 14:46

I think this episode left me mostly confused- they're setting up Richie as an immortal, I understand that, and Richie as a part of Duncan and Tessa's family. The former was hinted well, and the latter was produced as accomplished. It was, it was simply done. It was just. What?
And are adoption records really sealed from the children once they're 18? because that sucks.
I'm kind of unimpressed with the way things were handled. Definately not as good as the last episode.

Lack of Cheese factor- 3/5
Dialogue- 3/5
Flashbacks- 2/5
Lack of Overacting- 2/5
Music- 3/5

Total: 13/25


Thatwas not smoth, Richie. Also OW THE WALL.

Richie would be awesome companion. He can talk more than the Doctor.

Nice not sounding bitter there, Richie.

Dude, seriously, they have no explaination or gap or anything. It goes from street kid RIchie to living with Duncan and Tessa. And, you know, is he even 18 yet?

This lying will come back to bite you in the ass, Duncan.

Richie sounds like he's going to cry. Aw. "Ask for help reflex."

Nicely rushed freaking out there.

Zombie in a kilt. Oh Richie.

Richie. Oh Richie. You poor kid.

Duncan has a great goofy smile.

What the hell is with boots, Richie.

Because seriously there is a bond going on here and we have no build up or explaination how it happened. This is going to bother me.

Bad acting here, Stan.

Why does he have Duncan's card in his pocket?

"God doesn't love you, Joe! Nobody does." Sociopath.

oh Richie. You're so easy. And it's so sad.

Richie's surprisingly idealistic for well, his history.

And I think Joe's buying his own press a bit.

oh Duncan. You're evil. And awesome.


That guy's ego is almost as big as his hair.

"Go for your gun and I'll make you eat it."

Oh, shoulderpads, Tessa. Why or why?

"It's not like I really believed..." Oh Richie.

Oh Duncan. You crazy, crazy man.

...Wow, crazy as hell

episode reviews, highlander

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