I'm journaling this because I like to have records of my insanity. So when I finally go nuts, someone can point and say, sobbing, "Oh god, oh god, the signs were all there. How could we not have realized?"
To that end: Crack theories re: Utopia
A while back
Tesria, and I were playing around and role-playing the Doctor, Jack, and Rose. (The whole thread of them is
Sanctuary_hub somewhere, but
this is the log in question) The Doctor and Jack were trying to figure out exactly why Jack was still alive.
"I could plug you into the Tardis and we could would never have to go to Cardiff again," he said, bemusedly. "You're throbbing with time energy."
He stayed quiet for a minute, processing, thinking. "And time is limitless." Sort of.
He nodded a bit, "and. Well. I'd be careful about thinking too hard about any...particular time period."
Jack pushed up on his elbows and his eyebrows shot up and his mouth opened. And then stayed there.
"Now, Jack, that's a very attractive look, but you don't look too clever wearing it."
"You're saying you find stupid people attractive?" he asked. Only not. "You're telling me I'm a TARDIS."
"There are people" Romana "who have insinuated that." he half-smiled, then shook his head, "Not really. " Stop. "I. Wouldn't use those exact words."
"Damn," he said with faked disappointment because now he was the idiot and it was all his fault, not the doctor's and he. He didn't care right then. "What words would you use?"
"Well. There's no relative dimension." he hedged.
"What do you mean there's no relative dimension?"
"TARDIS stands for Time and relative dimension in space."
"I'm asking you to translate what it means to me, not tell me things I know." He was. overwhelmed. In an odd way.
"You're not bi-" he stopped. "Well. You are. But." He sat down next to Jack, "You can decide where you want to be."
So basically the upshot was that the reason Jack ended up back in the 1940s was that he was thinking of it so hard that, it wasn't the rift, it was Jack acting as a time machine in and of himself. (I did say it was a crack theory)
However, when I saw the Utopia clip, I immediately said "HA!" because a) Jack is in the time vortex, just him- and he's obviously alive; b) They're going to the end of the universe- missing the Doctor again for Jack would be the end of the universe (as I see it, at least) so he jacked into the Tardis somehow or he's sending them there himself.
Which I like. It probably will not turn out to be anything even remotely like canon, but it makes me go "wee".