Paradoxically, life has been both quiet and eventful. As I write this, Spud (whose newest nicknames include Spudley, Spudfer, Spudface, and Spuddles) is sitting next to me, perhaps silently mourning his testicles, which were lost forever a week and a half ago, along with his two baby canines. He's completely recovered, though -- enough to start being able to escape from his playpen, which is is a good bit taller than he is. I haven't actually seen him do it, all I know is that he's waiting for me at the door when I come home. So, instead of having him locked up in his crate all of the sudden, I just shut him in my room. What a spoiled little dog! And his full name is now Sputnik Houdini Hagler. Say it 5 times fast; it's got a certain ring to it.
In a bored moment, I edited together a new video of him. It's
right here. Maybe it's kind of self-indulgent, but I enjoy it. It reminded me of how much fun editing videos together is, although using iMovie was frustrating, because I just kept thinking of how much easier it would be if I had FinalCut Pro.
In the meantime, I've started taking fiddle lessons; no huge reason in particular. It's just that it's always something I've secretly wanted to do, and this seems to be the time in my life when I have the time and motivation. It's pretty tough. Even "Mary Had a Little Lamb" sounds rough and screechy so far, but I think it'll be worth it, and I'm really going to enjoy being able to create some music. No classical music for me, though. I'm going to play jigs, reels, dirges, and folk music type things. It's just more fun. I'd rather play "Whiskey You're the Devil," than Beethoven's 6th. I'm also still taking Aerial Dance classes. It's fun, though my hands are still constantly covered in blisters. I can really feel myself getting stronger, though -- I can almost do a real push-up for the first time, like, ever.
I'm working on having more of a social life around here, although it's slow going. I'm trying some different things and attempting to take a few more risks with people -- but admittedly, I am also sitting at home and playing video games sometimes. I'm also re-reading the "Anne of Green Gables" series. Because I'm still secretly 11 years old.
Yesterday a coyote ran in front of my car. I didn't hit him, which I was glad about, and I just thought it was cool, because even though I've seen foxes and deer around here, I've never actually seen a coyote. I think they tend to be a bit shyer and hang around in their packs.
Anyhow. Back to puzzling over today's cryptoquip. Because aside from being 11 years old secretly, I'm also a total dork.